Bull Trout Life History: Spawning

Spawning is similar for resident and migratory bull trout. When a female bull trout looks for a spawning site, she looks for a specific range of sediment sizes and particular depths and water velocities. Then, with her body horizontal to the streambed and making a series of exaggerated flexing motions, she digs a depression, or nest.

During the act of digging the nest, the water currents wash away silt and sand. Then, with one or more males releasing milt (sperm) to fertilize the eggs, the female releases the eggs into the depression in the stream bottom. Once spawning is completed, the female covers the fertilized eggs with gravel.

A number of nests are usually constructed by the same female in a contiguous area, and the aggregation is referred to as a redd.

Bull trout construct their redds so that a maximum amount of oxygenated water passes over the fertilized eggs.

A Change of Colors

Roll over the image to see how a bull trout's color changes during spawning.

And color is the only thing that changes

In many populations large, male bull trout develop a curved or hooked lower jaw or kype during spawning. Kypes may function in male-male encounters during spawning. Interestingly, kype development varies among populations. Among males in some populations it is scarcely visible; in others, it is quite pronounced.

Bull Trout Life History: Spawning

Spawning is similar for resident and migratory bull trout. When a female bull trout looks for a spawning site, she looks for a specific range of sediment sizes and particular depths and water velocities. Then, with her body horizontal to the streambed and making a series of exaggerated flexing motions, she digs a depression, or nest.

During the act of digging the nest, the water currents wash away silt and sand. Then, with one or more males releasing milt (sperm) to fertilize the eggs, the female releases the eggs into the depression in the stream bottom. Once spawning is completed, the female covers the fertilized eggs with gravel.

A number of nests are usually constructed by the same female in a contiguous area, and the aggregation is referred to as a redd.

Bull trout construct their redds so that a maximum amount of oxygenated water passes over the fertilized eggs.

A Change of Colors

Roll over the image to see how a bull trout's color changes during spawning.

And color is the only thing that changes

In many populations large, male bull trout develop a curved or hooked lower jaw or kype during spawning. Kypes may function in male-male encounters during spawning. Interestingly, kype development varies among populations. Among males in some populations it is scarcely visible; in others, it is quite pronounced.

Bull Trout Life History: Spawning

Spawning is similar for resident and migratory bull trout. When a female bull trout looks for a spawning site, she looks for a specific range of sediment sizes and particular depths and water velocities. Then, with her body horizontal to the streambed and making a series of exaggerated flexing motions, she digs a depression, or nest.

During the act of digging the nest, the water currents wash away silt and sand. Then, with one or more males releasing milt (sperm) to fertilize the eggs, the female releases the eggs into the depression in the stream bottom. Once spawning is completed, the female covers the fertilized eggs with gravel.

A number of nests are usually constructed by the same female in a contiguous area, and the aggregation is referred to as a redd.

Bull trout construct their redds so that a maximum amount of oxygenated water passes over the fertilized eggs.

A Change of Colors

Roll over the image to see how a bull trout's color changes during spawning.

And color is the only thing that changes

In many populations large, male bull trout develop a curved or hooked lower jaw or kype during spawning. Kypes may function in male-male encounters during spawning. Interestingly, kype development varies among populations. Among males in some populations it is scarcely visible; in others, it is quite pronounced.