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Interactive Map
Natural and Human History of the River

Interactive Map
The Natural and Human History of the
Lower Flathead River

Interactive Map
The Natural and Human History of the
Lower Flathead River

On this page you can explore River Reach Two, which runs from Buffalo Bridge to a point ten miles downstream. The river drops about 3.2 feet/mile and averages just over 400 feet wide. Throughout this reach the river gradually widens, but it maintains a single channel. With the exception of a few small islands and constrictions of the river channel, the flow is a smooth glide. The river makes several large, meandering bends which are bordered by high, eroding clay cliffs. River banks are generally steep with benchlands beyond; the channel substrate ranges from solid bedrock to sizeable areas of silt deposition.

Reach Two
Buffalo Bridge to a Point Ten Miles Downstream of the Bridge

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On this page you can explore River Reach Two, which runs from Buffalo Bridge to a point ten miles downstream. The river drops about 3.2 feet/mile and averages just over 400 feet wide. Throughout this reach the river gradually widens, but it maintains a single channel. With the exception of a few small islands and constrictions of the river channel, the flow is a smooth glide. The river makes several large, meandering bends which are bordered by high, eroding clay cliffs. River banks are generally steep with benchlands beyond; the channel substrate ranges from solid bedrock to sizeable areas of silt deposition.

Reach Two
Buffalo Bridge to a Point Ten Miles Downstream of the Bridge

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Reach Two

On this page you can explore River Reach Two, which runs from Buffalo Bridge to a point ten miles downstream. The river drops about 3.2 feet/mile and averages just over 400 feet wide. Throughout this reach the river gradually widens, but it maintains a single channel. With the exception of a few small islands and constrictions of the river channel, the flow is a smooth glide. The river makes several large, meandering bends which are bordered by high, eroding clay cliffs. River banks are generally steep with benchlands beyond; the channel substrate ranges from solid bedrock to sizeable areas of silt deposition.

Reach Two
Buffalo Bridge to a Point Ten Miles Downstream of the Bridge

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